Accurate capsule parameter identification is based upon colour research, consumer ingestion capability and powder density.

Research has shown that the colour of the capsule that consumers take can improve the efficiency of the same via a placebo effect, when the colour seems to match the intended outcome then the ingredient will tend to work better, also the opposite seems to be true, so if capsule colour does not seem to related to the symptoms of the ailment being treated then the desired effect is not reached in the consumer, considering this fact – nutraceutical or super food companies who are into supplement business & are intensely focused on delivering nutritional value to their consumer in form of pills, colour seems to be an important factor for recurring orders on a particular formulation to arrive to them on a regular basis.

In fact psychology of colour has been used in more than just capsule or pill manufacturing, you will notice colour applications in food preparation, packing and labelling. If you will notice antacids liquid syrups, they are mainly found in pink colour, as pink gives out a soothing effect rather than stimulating.

To get your brain humming and help you select your next batch of capsule colour efficiently, kindly note that white pills have been shown to make the best painkillers, green is the colour to reduce anxiety, red and orange colour capsule will make the best stimulants, blue colour would complement sedatives the best and yellow capsules can make the best antidepressants. When a consumer takes multiple medications, colour is the primary basis for distinguishing between different kids of medicines, they act as memory tags. 

Research also suggest that irrespective of the actual taste of the actual ingredient present within a capsule, those who consume white or blue capsules say that the capsule taste bitter, those who consume orange colour capsule say they taste sour, those who taste pink they say pink capsules are sweeter than the red ones and yellow capsules taste salty.

For a capsule supplement manufacturer who targets weight loss, they should opt for blue colour as blue is known to act as an appetite suppressant, we as human beings do not have an automatic appetite response to blue colour, if anything purple, black and blue are used to call out warning in lethal food, think of blue in this way, have you seen blue vegetables? Blue meat? Or blue fruits? Even the shape and name of the capsule can have an effect on how consumers feel about their supplements or medicines. So now you know how to colour your supplement capsules according to the result you wish to achieve in the consumer you are targeting.

Let me shed some light on how selecting the accurate capsule size is directly correlated with consumer ingestion, so supplements for children cannot have capsule of large size, the diameter and the total length are crucial to consider here, same goes for elderly people who have issues in swallowing larger capsules. Also that powders and granules have different densities depending upon their individual properties, an important aspect to note here is that 0.45 g/ml is light, 0.70 g/ml is medium and 1 g/ml is heavy

We at Rass Biosolution Private Limited help our clients in identifying the right size of the capsule, colour, stable powders and its projected outcome in consumers, we welcome you to contact us if you are in aiming to maintain your existing supplement consumers and also to acquire new ones as well, we have lead formulation and designing projects for micro to large scale companies.

Ruchi Khanna

Watsapp # +918090113353